Business · October 14, 2022

Viacheslav Brahinets: main business development trends in 2022

Business development is constantly changing because markets and customers are evolving rapidly. If you want to get ahead of your competition and become a BD pro, you need to keep up with the new trends in the industry. Learn the lessons, adapt them to your situation and reap the full benefits of growing your business.

What’s new in business development?

To communicate effectively with your audience, you must re-learn everything about your customers. Here is what they are interested in today:

  • Business development specialists are on the rise. The first trend is an increase in demand for business development specialists. In October 2020, the World Economic Forum published a report listing business developers as one of the top 10 in-demand professionals of the future.
  • Strengthening human ties. One of the top business trends for 2022 has to do with loneliness. Business development is largely based on building solid relationships, so this is an excellent opportunity to secure valuable human connections with your stakeholders.
  • Use of online networking activities. Online networks remove essential elements, such as non-verbal communication or body language. On the other hand, it reduces the likelihood that you will meet curious people who came to the event just for fun.
  • Digitalization of business development. Since 2020, our entire professional and personal life has wholly moved online. It has been one of the biggest challenges for business developers because it has instantly destroyed traditional strategies and tactics for success.
  • Automation of business development. One of the significant business development trends for 2022 is automation. It’s not such a new trend; automation is now present in all aspects of our lives. And now it has finally arrived in business development.

You must constantly conduct customer research, understand the new priorities of your customers and anticipate their needs. Having detailed information about your audience will speed up your career and bring results much faster.