Technology · April 25, 2024

Top 5 Ways to Make Your Refrigerator Last Longer

Your refrigerator is one of the most important appliances in your kitchen, and you use it daily for every meal. A fridge is also an investment for the entire household, and it is also one of the appliances that is used for the longest period of time. Generally, the appliance can last anywhere from 10 years to even longer or shorter, but it all depends on how you use it and what you do to prolong its lifespan. 

Below is a guide that tells you about how to boost your fridge’s lifespan. Use these methods to maintain your refrigerator in the best way possible and reduce its wear and tear. 

Best Ways to Make Your Fridge Last Long

Utilise the five ways below to prolong your fridge’s longevity and keep it in its best condition. 

Keep the Top Clear

Resist the temptation of using the top of your refrigerator as extra storage. The top space of the refrigerator may be easily accessible, but the appliance releases excess heat from the top. It is why the top surface is always a little warm to the touch. Placing anything on top, even if it is a simple cereal box, forces the motor of the machine to work even harder to maintain a cool temperature inside the unit. Consequently, the heat gets trapped inside and the refrigerator has to use a higher amount of energy. Over time, this may damage your fridge and spoil the food inside. 

Clean the Coils

Every refrigerator operates due to its cooling coils that are either under or behind the unit. These places usually collect the highest amount of dirt, dust, and pet dander. Therefore, it is essential to clean the coil effectively to ensure that your food remains cold and the refrigerator functions properly. The fridge’s coil can burn out if the buildup of gunk gets severe. So be extra careful in vacuuming the coils every few months and removing any debris to decrease the extra strain on your refrigerator. 

Well Maintain the Seals

Sometimes, the food in your fridge may spoil if there is any issue with the seal. The seal or the gasket is the inner edge of the refrigerator’s door, keeping your fridge cool while preventing the warm air from entering. Bacteria will start to grow on your food if the temperature inside gets low enough due to a gap or leak in the seal. 

Detect and fix the seal by thoroughly cleaning it. Debris can get in between the seal and stop it from working properly. So, clean it up with a sponge and soapy water, and it’ll turn as good as new. 

Keep it Full

Fridges work incredibly well when they are full, as the items inside help keep the overall temperature down once they are completely cold. This reduces the pressure on the energy and motor of the refrigerator, and keeps the entire system in better shape and condition. 

Clean and Defrost Regularly

Regular maintenance is the primary way to keep your direct cool refrigerator working for years. Give the shelves a good soak and scrub, clean out the loose debris, and defrost the freezer regularly to keep the refrigerator in good condition. Most fridges are already efficient at preventing condensation or frost buildup. However, moisture can still enter the system if you put hot food or uncovered liquid in the freezer or fridge. Therefore, it is advisable to defrost everything twice or once a year to be on the safer side.  


Get a quality refrigerator that meets all your needs from Candy Appliances and comes with a long warranty. Apply the tips above to maintain your fridge and make it work efficiently. At the same time, recognise when you need to invest in a new appliance. Then, you can start fresh with a new fridge and keep it around for a long time by utilising the above tips from day one!