Sunknowledge Services Inc with more than 10 years of working experience in the medical billing business, today, has its specialized prior authorization platform PriorAuth Online. PriorAuth Online is a web based authorization platform offering a complete authorization initiation, follow-up and successful approval for all orthotics, prosthetics, DME prior authorization and many more.
Understanding the adjudication mandates and the complexity of the prior authorization process better than any prior authorization operational extension, PriorAuth Online gives you the leverage of monitoring the authorization process with a robust report according to your protocol. With a pool of excellent resources, PriorAuth Online experts not only ensure high quality authorization services in closing the authorization gaps effectively but also take the extra initiative in reducing the time consumed during the process along with 80% operational cost reduction.
PriorAuth Online being the only operational extension with the highest productivity metrics only offers a service charge as low as $7 per hour. Eliminating your entire DME prior authorization burden, PriorAuth Online is known for its 99.9% accuracy rate in the prior authorization/eligibility verification which increases client’s collections up to 80% during the first 30 days itself. Delivering all the heavy lifting works that improve the cash flow in the long run, our experts offer unparallel operational transparency.
Understanding the complexity of the Prior authorization process, we not only ensure streamlined operation but also improve the revenue generation, helping clients to focus on other important aspects like patients care etc.
How our DME Prior Authorization Process Takes Place
Our DME prior authorization starts from the collection of vital information needed for the procedure from provider and patient. This is followed by effective payer side communication, checking eligibility, and even initiating the prior authorization as per mandates. This is then maintained by follow up on auth status, collation of relevant and additional documents for the treatment, updating the auth outcome is also part of our work; making PriorAuth Online the one-stop DME prior authorization destination.
In fact, partnering with PriorAuth Online will help you with benefits like $1 million Hiscox/Geico Insurance coverage for any errors of Omission and commission; bearing all costs of transition during your migration from the old vendor. No binding contract, 80% operational cost reduction, excellent industry reference and many more.
So call PriorAuth Online experts over a ‘no commitment call‘ and let our experts help you with seamless operation and way to financial upliftment for your DME prior authorization.