Foods · November 28, 2022

What Are Some Sources Of Sustainable Protein? 

It can be tricky to consume the right amount of protein for your health while respecting animal welfare and the environment. And that’s the main issue concerning the topic of sustainable protein. According to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, livestock account for 14.5% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.  

As such, replacing your protein foods with more sustainable options like plant protein is a smart way to help the environment. This entails taking pasture-raised, grass-fed meat and animal products, sustainably caught seafood, and plant-based organic produce. These foods are more nourishing and cause less animal suffering than factory-farmed foods. 

How do you get started, and what foods offer high levels of protein while being eco-friendly?  

Read on! 

Soy Protein


There are many reasons why soy has become a popular protein alternative. Did you know that soy has a 25 times smaller footprint than beef ? Soybean farming is much more water-efficient than other irrigated crops, including maize. And compared to animal-based proteins, soy protein production uses far less land, energy, and water. 

Soy protein products are obtained from a dependable and long-lasting raw material: soybeans. It is one of the most nutritious, diverse, cost-effective, and dependable protein sources for innovation in food and beverage. 

This lean, lactose-free, and cholesterol-free protein appeals to a large consumer base in weight management, sports nutrition, and vegetarians. In addition, soy provides healthy plant-based protein to fitness enthusiasts, teens, children, lactating women, children, and the elderly.  

Nutritional Yeast 

Yeast protein is another protein source touted to be eco-friendly and an excellent substitute for plant and animal, with lower carbon emissions. A study found that yeast-based alternatives require less arable land than plant protein and produce lower carbon emissions than animal protein. In addition, seasonal or climatic factors do not affect production efficiency. 

Nutritional yeast offers eight essential amino acids and is rich in lysine. The best part is you get fiber and B12 vitamins in addition to the protein it delivers. This is good news for those who avoid eating animal-based products and need another reliable vitamin B12.  

In the future, yeast protein technology is expected to be the primary means of protecting the Earth’s food supply. It offers an alternative solution with benefits such as low resource consumption, high efficiency, environmental sustainability, and a wide range of nutritional value. 


Not only are eggs nutritious, but they are also produced with the fewest resources. Eggs contain essential vitamins and minerals, as well as high-quality protein. They are the ideal food because of their low environmental impact. 

Because of the high feed conversion rate, eggs emit less carbon than other animal foods. This means that the egg-laying hens efficiently convert their feed into eggs. As a result, if one chooses to eat animal protein while also eating environmentally friendly foods, eggs are a good option. 

According to WRI research, eggs have a low impact on GHG emissions per gram of protein. Eggs have nearly the same environmental impact as soybeans, rice, or nuts. Egg protein can significantly reduce agricultural resource use and greenhouse gas emissions by replacing animal protein sources. The egg is one of the most environmentally sustainable and affordable animal-source proteins available, supporting families worldwide and the planet. 

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Insects can be a great source of protein, and crickets are one of the most commonly consumed. Crickets are popular as a food source because they are cheap and high in many nutrients, particularly protein. In fact, according to a 2020 study, most edible crickets have a higher protein content than more common animal-based protein sources like goat, chicken, and pork. 

Farming insects such as crickets for food may be more environmentally friendly and sustainable than raising chickens, pigs, and cattle. For instance, broiler chickens produce 89% more greenhouse gas emissions than crickets per unit of edible protein. Crickets are a sustainable protein because they pollute less than any other protein derived from animals in terms of space, water, and CO2 emissions. As a result, they are a healthy alternative for muscle development and digestion. 

Pasture-based, Grass-fed Livestock 

Recent reports on the adverse effects of industrial meat on the planet have painted meat eating in a bad light. In addition to contributing to soil erosion and water pollution, the factory-farmed beef increase has been found to increase fossil fuel consumption and cause poor air quality, making it harmful to your health and the environment. 

However, for those who don’t want to give up on meat altogether, pasture-fed beef may be an eco-friendly alternative. Grass-fed beef is different. Animals with enough space to graze may improve land use, nutrient and manure management, and soil health. All of these advantages result in a lower carbon footprint. 

Grass-fed meat is more ethical, sustainable, and nutrient-dense than factory-farmed meat. In addition to having high levels of B v

Recent reports on the adverse effects of industrial meat on the planet have painted meat eating in a bad light. In addition to contributing to soil erosion and water pollution, the factory-farmed beef increase has been found to increase fossil fuel consumption and cause poor air quality, making it harmful to your health and the environment.

However, for those who don’t want to give up on meat altogether, pasture-fed beef may be an eco-friendly alternative. Grass-fed beef is different. Animals with enough space to graze may improve land use, nutrient and manure management, and soil health. All of these advantages result in a lower carbon footprint.

Grass-fed meat is more ethical, sustainable, and nutrient-dense than factory-farmed meat. In addition to having high levels of B vitamins, it is higher in vitamins A and E, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants than grain-fed beef. Grass-fed beef also contains significantly less saturated fat than grain-fed beef.

In Conclusion

Sustainable protein may mean factory-farmed and unsustainably sourced foods that cause large-scale environmental destruction to some people. Some advocates of sustainable protein even encourage replacing all animal protein sources with plant-based protein. Whichever category you belong to, the goal is to eat protein sources that put less strain on the environment. The foods in this list will help you start your journey to sustainable protein consumption.

itamins, it is higher in vitamins A and E, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants than grain-fed beef. Grass-fed beef also contains significantly less saturated fat than grain-fed beef.