Education · April 11, 2020

Want to Study in USA after Graduation: Know these Myths on Advising Service Providers


You have completed your graduation from India and now, want to study in the USA. Well, it is the long-cherished dream of many Indian students. But Indian students often fail to fulfill their dream to study in the USA because they randomly apply to colleges in the hope that they will succeed. Succeeding then essentially is like winning the lottery. Finding the right college is a difficult exercise, requiring an intimate knowledge of the American higher educational system, and excellent research skills. If you have tried doing it by yourself and failed, it is time to think of a professional advising service. Whether you want to study in USA from India after graduation or complete your Ph.D., they will assist you to identify the right colleges for you. Not convinced? Are the myths surrounding the services of the agency preventing you from opting for them? Here, we have debunked the myths for you.

Myth 1: They serve only the bright students

It is absolutely wrong. There is no such thing that they will help only the bright students to find the right college or university in the USA, not the average or below-average ones. In fact, they assist all kinds of students who want to study in the USA and fulfill their dreams. Whether you are a high-school graduate with less than stellar results, one who wants to resume education after a gap, a student not getting the right college within your resources, or a student with a first degree or with a Master’s degree, they will help you. They know well that not being able to study in the USA can stop you from achieving your long-term goal. They care for students and so, are always ready to help them. So, irrespective of your academic achievement, you can ask for their guidance to help you find the right college.

Myth 2: They don’t offer quality assistance

No, the reality is the opposite. Backed by years of experience and expertise in this field, they offer quality services to the students. Whether you want to study in the USA after graduation or post-graduation, when you register yourself, they will ask for your academic and financial resources. If needed, they will ask you a few more questions. And then, based on your answer, they will check their database and filter in the colleges that will be the best fit for you. Do you still think that they compromise with their services? Obviously not. Then, don’t believe in the myth.

Myth 3: They don’t offer customized services

This is a wrong belief. The academic assistance service providers don’t believe in the concept of one-size-fits-all. Academic and financial resources vary from one student to another, and so do their needs. Besides, students can have some exclusive needs that they want met. Keeping all these in mind, the advising service provider offers personalized services that can target the special needs of the students. So, there is no reason to fall prey to this myth.

Myth 4: They ask for a high price

This is nothing but a misconception. Based on the kind of service that you want, they will quote a fee for their service. Consider that applying at random requires an application fee for each college with no assurance of success. The advising service cannot guarantee that your search will be successful since there are many factors that determine your ability to get a visa to the US but your likelihood of identifying the right colleges, ones where you will have the greatest chances of success, will be much higher. Keeping this in mind, the price is affordable for Indian students. You should always keep this in mind that if are successful, it will be a life changing event. If you are unable to find the right college, your dream of studying in the USA will remain unfulfilled. Don’t be deterred by the price. Discuss it openly and frankly with the advising service.

If you are keen on studying in the US, and you don’t know how to proceed, think twice before trying it by yourself. Approach an advising service to see how they can help you.

Author bio: Joseph Miller is an academic advisor, who helps students who want to study in USA from India after graduation. Here, he has pointed out a few myths that are often associated with academic advising service providers.