Tired of spending your hard-earned money on fuel? You can use up a tank of fuel pretty quickly on commutes, weekend trips and regular errands. Even if you have better gas than the others, we all feel the gas station pain. While paying for fuel is inevitable.
Slightly different, if you realise your car is not worth repairing at old age then why don’t you just sell it? You have several great ways to earn top cash for old cars.
Moving back to the topic, changing your driving habits to save fuel is often overlooked, especially in the city, but you’d be surprised how much fuel and money it can save you.
1. Travel light
Avoid carrying loads on the roof of your car and remove excess weight from the inside. Carrying loads on your vehicle creates aerodynamic drag, reducing fuel economy. Wind resistance can reduce fuel economy by up to 8% in the city and up to 25% interstate.
Whenever possible, remove all excess weight, especially heavy objects, from the interior of your vehicle. The extra weight can reduce fuel efficiency by about 1%.
2. Stay in one lane
It is a common misconception that travelling between lanes reduces driving time. In reality, there is no significant reduction in your travel time. In addition, the continuous increase and decrease of speed causes fuel consumption and can be dangerous.
Be patient and save fuel by staying in one lane. It’s normal to be nervous in traffic, but you’ll save fuel if you stay at a constant speed and avoid aggressive driving. Also, you won’t get to your destination any faster, so you don’t have to worry.
3. Use cruise control
While driving on the highway using cruise control is a great way to save fuel. It helps you stay at a constant speed, which will help you save fuel. However, it’s not as effective when driving on steep hills, so it’s best to turn it off when you’re on steep hills and turn it back on long straight highways.
4. Stop aggressive driving
Speed, rapid acceleration and braking use more gas than you think. Aggressive highway driving can reduce your gas mileage by up to 30% and up to 40% in stop-and-go traffic in the city.
Save fuel by using the speed limit and accelerating slowly. Remember, the faster you accelerate, the more fuel you burn. When driving around town, look ahead to accelerate and brake accordingly. For example, if you’re approaching a red light a block or two away, you don’t need to accelerate to the light. Basically, you’re accelerating before you get anywhere, wasting fuel.
While obeying the speed limit is important(and the law), keep in mind that gas mileage decreases at speeds over 50mph. Every car achieves optimal fuel economy at a different speed.
5. Take care of your tires
Did you know that underinflated tires can cause fuel consumption?
To increase by 6%? Make sure all your tires are properly inflated to save fuel. If one of your tires has low air pressure, be sure to inflate it before driving.
6. Carpool
There are many ways to stop driving your own car to save fuel. If you live in the city, consider walking to the nearest places. Carpooling is one of the ways to save gas. Take turns with friends to share cars with each other. You’ll all save fuel, which is good for the environment.
And you know what’s great about pulling a car? You can carpool driving time and use traffic lanes!
7. Reduce your daily commute
Another way to avoid driving is to find a job that allows you to work from home. However, if you can’t find a job that allows you to work from home, ask your employer to work from home for a few days. Companies that give their employees days to work from home have found increased productivity within the company.
If you can’t get work from home, ask your employer if you can come in earlier or later. Avoiding rush hour traffic can shorten a significant portion of your journey. In short, the less time you spend on the road, the more fuel you save.
8. Choose the best fuel for your vehicle
Before your next refill, check your owner’s manual again to find out what quality of gas you should be using. Some think that the highest quality and most expensive is the best for your car. It’s a common misconception that it costs you more money than you should spend.
Premium fuels are not always the best choice for your vehicle and do not always guarantee better performance. Most cars are actually designed to run on regular low-octane fuel. So opt for regular, cheaper fuel, unless your vehicle specifically needs better quality.
9. Use less air conditioning
Unfortunately, running the air conditioner uses a lot of gas and can roll down the windows, causing your car to lose aerodynamics. In fact, using the air conditioner on a hot summer day can increase fuel consumption by up to 10%.
For many of us, not using the air conditioner during the summer is really not an option. Try rolling down the windows that should help get the hot air out of the car, and you can drive comfortably for a while without having to pump the cold air all the way up.
When weather permits, use flow-through ventilation instead of AC to save fuel. Better yet, turn off the AC and roll down the windows if it’s nice outside.
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