In the last couple of years, the whole world faced a deadly virus named Corona, which is also commonly known as Covid 19. This virus has led to a challenging situation across the globe. Most countries around the world announced a lockdown to protect their particular country. During this lockdown period, many lost their jobs, lives, etc. In a lockdown, people became more digital than they ever were before. Companies, for their employee’s convenience, introduced a work-from-home policy where they can efficiently work in the comfort of their home; they even provided a home computer setup through which the employees can work conveniently. Similarly, students also had to set up their home computers to attend online classes.
Effects of lockdown on the growth of home computer setup
● Unemployment: The rate of unemployment increasingly rose during this lockdown period. People lost their jobs highly. Many people left their jobs to go back to their hometowns or villages so that they could live with their families, which they left behind for work. People went through a lot of hardships in this period.
● Losing loved ones: Many lost their family members or close ones in the lockdown due to widespread covid 19. This was a tough time. There were some cases where children lost both their parents and families lost their only bread earner on whose income the whole family was dependent.
● Work-from-home policy: This was one of the best decisions that the companies took, keeping their employers’ convenience in mind. They introduced home computer setup to their employees. This policy in some companies is followed to date.
● Increase in online shopping: As it was not safe to shop offline directly from shops and stores, people shifted to online shopping as it was easier, safer, and faster. Many Online businesses were boosted during the lockdown as there was a drastic shift from offline to online. People could consider the Pandemic a good time for online business owners as it made them rich over time.
● Effects on the Educational system: Schools were shut down, keeping the children’s safety in mind. Gradually teachers started taking classes on an online mode using platforms like google meet and zoom etc. Students attended classes online by their home computer setup. Lockdown did affect the quality of Education provided to children all over the world.
● Shifting to the digital world: People who were not very comfortable using digital technologies were now expected to use them as most things started happening digitally. People face many issues in getting used to digital technologies, primarily middle-aged and older people. It was difficult for these people because they were unaware of the technologies earlier.
This whole Pandemic period taught a lot of things to every person. Firstly, it taught people the importance of family and loved ones. Seeing people around losing their loved ones made people realise how much one’s family means and what it’s worth.
Secondly, it taught the importance of freedom. People realise the importance of freedom by spending most of the time. Roaming around freely without any restrictions is the best feeling ever. This is what everyone learned during this Pandemic.
Lastly, it taught the importance of time. Spending the whole lockdown with oneself and family made it very clear what the matter of time is. Time is a significant entity that everyone should utilise adequately.
So, to give an overall view, one can say that lockdown did take a lot of things from people but at the same time taught many life lessons to people.