Business · October 27, 2022

Make Any Room Feel Cozier with These Suggestions

Is there a room in your house that you wish would throw a more intimate air? If there is, but none of your efforts have seemed to work previously, don’t despair.

There are many unique tips and tricks you can use to make a space feel warmer, more inviting, and cozier overall – and many of them are not permanent!

Before you get invested in commitments to renovate, see if some of the following suggestions make the mood shift favorably in a room in your home.

Rearrange the Furniture
The first thing to recognize is that so much of the spirit of a location is determined by the furniture in the setting.

Simply adjusting the furniture can significantly impact how a room feels. For instance, if you have your seating arranged in a long row or line, change it so that it is either arranged in an “L” shape or is facing itself.

Move stools and chairs closer together and create artificial “walls” with tables and other furniture that will “close” off a space and make it feel more intimate.

Set a More Inviting Mood with Warmer, Softer Lighting
Lighting can make as much of a difference in the mood in a setting as the furniture and home decor, and in some instances, even more.

Switch on the lights. Are they cool or warm? Cool lights look white or blue whereas warm lights look yellow or amber. Opt for the latter; warm lights make a space feel cozier.

Also, invest in an LED corner floor lamp with a dimmable function. Not only are warmer lights more welcoming, but downshifting the brightness can also have a positive impact on the setting.

Try a dimmable floor lamp like the Falon Dimmable Torchiere available online at Not only does this torchiere floor lamp feature a dimmable, elegant design; its integrated LED light is also much more efficient and environmentally friendly – so you’ll be killing two birds with one stone.

Introduce Some Greenery
Introducing plants into a setting can also make it feel more welcoming. Live plants can help mediate the volume of a setting and make it look and feel closer and safer.

Some people also report improved feelings of wellness and productivity in the vicinity of live greenery, but that’s something you’ll have to try for yourself.

On top of that, live plants can also help filter toxins like VOCs from the air, while adding oxygen, and regulating humidity and temperature – there are numerous other benefits to bringing plants in, as well.

Make a Tall Space Feel Less Lofty
Finally, while tall, lofty ceilings can give a home a modern, regal edge, they can also make a space feel cold and unwelcoming. If you’re actively trying to cultivate a warmer, welcoming aesthetic, you might want to add some taller elements to make the ceiling feel lower and the space feel closer.

Two of the items mentioned here can help with that. Tall houseplants occupy negative vertical space and can make a room feel warmer; the LED corner floor lamp mentioned above, is 71.5” tall – which can accomplish the same purposes.

Other “tall” elements can accomplish the same goals. Consider hanging some wall decor on open, bare walls to make the space feel fuller, or introduce furnishings that reach nearly to the ceiling. They will fill the space and help to make the ceiling feel lower.

Put These Tips into Action
Armed with these useful, non-permanent bits of advice, you can make almost any room seem more welcoming – and, you can get to reimagine your home’s interior design in the process.

Put some of them into practice today and see if they work for you!

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