Tour and Travels · August 11, 2019

How to immigrate to Canada? What information should I need?

Many changes have been made in the way a person has to apply for a Canada work permit. By making new changes to the program for foreign workers, Canadian immigration is trying to protect both foreign workers from exploitation and the Canadian labor market.

Work from Canada

In almost all cases, a job offer is required to obtain a Canada work visa. A job offer can also help to obtain permanent residence in Canada, through an opinion on organized employment. Some categories, such as open work permits and the work visa program, do not require a job offer to obtain a work permit from Canada.

Opinions on the labor market (LMO)

Furthermore, most work permits in Canada require verification in the labor market, which is known as an opinion on the labor market (LMO). Once a person obtains a positive LMO, he can apply for a work permit from Canada. If the Canadian work permit requires an LMO, the Canadian employer must first announce the position and be able to prove that there are no permanent residents or Canadian citizens who are qualified to maintain the position. There are some advertising exemptions for Canada’s work permit categories that require an LMO.

Once an application is submitted and approved and the foreign citizen obtains his permanent resident visa in Canada, he may emigrate to Canada and have many of the same rights as Canadian citizens. The permanent residents of Canada have the right to medical care, to establish their residence and work in every Canadian province, to protect the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada and to request Canadian citizenship once the requirements have been met.

In fact, the only difference between a Canada work visa and a Canadian citizen is the right to hold public office, join the armed forces and vote. Becoming a permanent resident in Canada is a privilege, which can be withdrawn if the person is convicted of a crime and, as a result, deported.

Another way in which a permanent resident in Canada may lose his status is not to fulfill his residence obligation. A permanent Canadian resident is required to spend two years in each five-year period in Canada. If, in a port of entry or office seen in Canada, an officer is concerned that a permanent Canadian resident has not fulfilled his residence requirement, he can count five years ago to verify that Canada’s permanent resident has passed. at least 730 days in Canada.

To comply with the residency requirement, a permanent Canadian resident must have spent 730 days in the last five years by doing one of the following:

  • Reside and stay in Canada
  • Accompany the Canadian spouse abroad
  • Jobs in Canada for Indians for a Canadian company

How to apply for Canada work permit visa?

Canada is considered one of the best countries in the world for many reasons. From picturesque landscapes, architectural wonders to excellent colleges / universities, career opportunities, etc., Canada certainly receives a high volume of visa applications every year. Canada offers four types of visa (temporary residence visa, study permits, work permits and permanent travel document) in various categories for a specific duration of stay. Based on various eligibility factors and the review conducted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship of Canada (IRCC), the visa application can be approved or denied. The IRCC is the federal department of Canada that administers immigration, citizenship and performs various activities related to passport and visa.

Visa application for work in Canada for holders of Indian passport

If applicants request a Canada work permit visa, extend the current visa or hire a foreign worker to meet the skills shortage, they must complete the application process. The completed application form, the required documents, the payment of the visa fee, etc., are some of the factors that determine the approval or rejection of the applications.

To apply for a Canada work visa, candidates can choose the method online or offline. The off-line method (paper) requires applicants to visit one of Canada Visa Application Centers (CVAC). Diverse immigration services manages CVACs in New Delhi, Bengaluru, and Mumbai. The corresponding CVAC will guide the candidates to complete the application procedure. The online method consists of filling out an online application form, uploading scanned documents and making an online visa fee payment.

The IRCC can order applicants to present themselves for a visa interview or provide additional documents based on certain factors. Once the application has been processed, it will take several weeks (depending on the category of visas) for the visa decision to be notified to the applicants.

Depending on the applicant’s ability, he / she may apply for a work permit to live and jobs in Canada, however, some job categories do not require a work permit.