Just after one to two months we all will be celebrating 2020 with the new technology & trends. According to Devex Hub, beginning of a new decade always brings a new change. For an instance you could take the example of iPad that is appeared at the start of 2010. It was great invention in the field of computers. Definitely this time also people are waiting for something paranormal. But yes, the world should not expect completely new because the basics always remain the same.
What is Development?
Artificial Intelligence: Now- a-days you can see the use of AI in most of the fields. You can notice that physical strength has been replaced by the robots & greatest minds started working on the full automation. AI has impacted our day-today lives as well such as smart homes, voice search, home cleaning robots, autopilot all are based on new technology.
Programming languages: This point is basically for both the professionals & beginners. Their demand depends on what frame work & languages they can work with. So, they need to understand on which languages they need to work on to keep up with the changing technologies. JavaScript, Python and PHP are the most widespread programming languages in current scenario. JavaScript takes the first place & python is weak for developing mobile applications however it is the best considered for developing the web services. If we talk about smart phones then they play an important role in our lives. That’s why it’s very important to pay attention for mobile applications. In the end we could say that Java is the best on all above languages by seeking all the benefits & risks.
Frameworks: A good base is needed for the perfect web service. It is an imperative part of the development environment. We cannot name one specific frame work in advance because at any moment one developer can create universal framework.
- React and Vue is the base for all front-end developers. If we talk about react then it is the most required framework in most companies & it has already competed with angular for a long time but developers claim that it has a lack of efficiency.
- Vue has just become popular this year. Xiaomi is one of the renowned brands that has completely switched to Vue.
- Svelte.js is a frame work that is virtually unknown but many developers are really willing to work with this.
Voice commands: It is one of the popular implementations of AI. At first it was not so noticeable. Products are having high quality voice are relatively expensive & now-a-days they are supremely in trends. SEO of many websites is basically depending upon highly on voice search. Clearly it is the future of wen development to be in the voice searches.
Interactivity: Nothing impacts web development trends more than having a great user experience. So, this is the reason web services should be more interactive.
Adaptability: The days are gone where we just use the desktops to search something. Now-a-days the trends have been changed & people are using mobile phones, tablets to search something on the web. So, any web application must be adaptive to any device.
One-page sites: Increasingly, we notice the efficacy of single-page. As soon as such sites appeared, users said that this was caused by the indifference of developers to their projects. However, over time, the profits of such sites have been recognized. Moreover, single page websites are not new trends but we are gaining more & more popularity for these kinds of websites. After implementing new technologies like interactivity & voice search this could be huge success in the form of conversions. This is the current trending future of the web development.
Chat bots: This is the great way to increase the more customers & highly use of AI is being used in this technology. Chat bots are one of the best web services optimizations and this is not the future but a current scenario. Near future you cannot imagine a project without using them.
Purpose – Practicality: From a long time, the content has been important task for the web development. The importance of content is still there but the development part incorporates some of the important functionality. Developers should focus on the practicality of each element that every button on the website should be useful to the user & if it is not working then it must be discarded. As this will only increase the site’s download time.
Results: So finally, I could say that all future innovations have been associated with the AI. It improves the user experience & you can create web applications much faster. Furthermore, according to the Devex Hub the future of web development is entirely dependent on the desires of users & there are lots of technologies to satisfy the hungry customers.